08 July 2006

When I was bored

I googled myself. I didn't find myself but I found a My Space page of another Emma Smyth who lives in Belfast, just over the river from me. She seems to have much the same taste in music and things as me. I considered making contact and saying hello but that could possibly freak her out.

It's not really that unusual to find someone living nearby with the same name as me. There was a girl in my class at school called Emma Smyth as well. The teachers used to always skip one out when they read the register because they thought it was the same person accidently printed twice. I got labelled "big Emma" because I happened to be taller than the other one. I disliked that moniker because it suggested I was very fat or excessively tall, when in fact I was just normal height and size. It was the other Emma who was extremely small and petite.

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