15 May 2005


Yet again after trawling through the paper, there are no jobs. Well there are but they require me to be qualified in things, have many years experience in things or to be willing to drop a few thousand pounds from my current salary. I suppose it's not that bad really since I do actually have a job and alot of people don't. Mostly unemployed people.

Although, from June I won't have a full time wage anymore and I'll be back to working when they need me at something like £5.30 an hour which isn't good, having been on about £7 an hour while full time. I still haven't heard anything from the three jobs I applied for 2 weeks ago.

Well I am still on this diet thing. Getting sick of drinking milkshakes though. They have soup things and pasta apparently so I'm going to get some of those. I went for a walk today up the Cavehill which I shall post a photo of at some point. There's lots of wild garlic growing up there now (which isn't actually Garlic at all, it's called Ramsons and is known as Wild Garlic because the while flowers smell of garlic, especially when crushed - incidently the green leaves of the plant itself smell of onion when crushed) and carpets of Bluebells ( which, like Ramsons, are also from the Lily family) which together make the whole place very fragrant. I took a couple of photos of bluebells with the digital camera. I was too lazy to bring my SLR.

There are lots of interesting wild flowers up there. I keep meaning to catalogue them all, but I never get round to it. I've identified a few like Cow Parsley and Meadowsweet, but there are plenty more up there. Also, lots of interesting trees as well which would be interesting to catalogue and plenty of birds too. I must work out how to use my SLR properly and then I can take photographs of things which would mean I could come home and look things up and I'd have a visual guide to my catalogue as well. This all requires motiviation and lots of free time. I wish I could be more motivated. How can I become motivated I wonder.........perhaps there are motivation pills I can take.

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