01 June 2005

We would like you to come for an interview - in fact,no we wouldn't

I got a letter inviting me to attend a job interview on the 21st of June. However I'm going to New York on the 16th of June so I won't be here. The letter states "It is regretted that the interview date and time cannot be rearranged."

I phoned them up anyway but was told "Sorry we can't change it."

Do they want someone for the bloody job or not!!?? Grr!!

I waited a month to hear from them. If they were going to be stupid arses about what date you came for interview, they should have asked on the application form if there were dates you couldn't attend. Then they wouldn't have been wasting people's time.

It was only a crappy clerical job anyway and it was slightly less than I'm earning now so not a great loss really. It was a monday to friday 9-5 thing though which is what I'd like even if it is a bit less money.

Oh well, it's happened for a reason I think. I'm destined to get some other job.

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