07 August 2005

.............and now it's time to say goodbye to our viewers in Northern Ireland

Biscuits and I were talking about old children's programmes and CBBC and The Broom Cupboard. Well, you may or may not remember (depending on how old you are) that after Newsround and after I think the thing that was on after Newsround, the presenter used to say "And now it's time to say goodbye to our viewers in Northern Ireland". Well you can imagine that, living in Northern Ireland I was most outraged by this. I kept thinking:

"What is the rest of the country getting to see that I'm not!!!???"

I just realised that probably everyone else was wondering:

"What is so great about Northern Ireland, they get to bugger off early? What are they seeing that we aren't!!??"

Well, I can't actually remember what we saw. I'm thinking it was probably extended local news since we had more things happening here and needed more time to report them. I'm pretty sure we had Neighbours at a different time than everyone else as well which also could have something to do with it. I do remember on a few occasions, not getting to see the end of the programme after Newsround because programmes were running late and we had to switch to BBC Northern Ireland. It was most annoying.

Anyway I'm not quite sure what the point of this post was. But for those who do remember The Broom Cupboard and for those who don't, it's worth taking a look at the aforelinked to site:

The Broom Cupboard

It's very comprehensive. Would be very useful if you were, for example, doing a degree on The History of the Broom Cupboard or if it was your chosen specialised subject on Mastermind.

Anyway if you can't be bothered with the reading of the words, just look at the pictures and scroll down to the bottom and check out those hairstyles!!!

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