18 September 2005

Wahl 2005

I seem to be watching this on ZDF. I don't know why. I don't understand what they are going on about and that's not because they are speaking German. I should really understand it because I did 'A' Level politics. Well, I thought I ought to put on something requiring brainpower because I haven't really done anything today. I became distracted though and started practising on my keyboard. I'm very pleased because I can now play a tune in a new hand position with both hands and I was only supposed to be practising with the hands separately.

They are having a discussion on ZDF now on sofas and there is a fake fire. I don't really see the point of that. It isn't going to convince anyone that they are sat in someone's living room having an after dinner intellectual discussion. They are clearly in a rather large studio. I don't even know who these people are, I'm not really interested. I should be interested, I'm sure it's quite important for Weltpolitik in general. Apparently having a coalition will make Germany weak.

Hmmm.....I think I'll go to bed now.

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