07 January 2006

I forgot to say that all my stuff arrived from Amazon. It took me all day to set up a wireless network but I managed it eventually.....hurrah!!! Felt very pleased with myself. So now my laptop is wirelessly connected to the internet and I can be online anywhere in the house hehe.......of course I always use my laptop in my bedroom but at least I can take it downstairs if I want and hopefully sit in the garden with it in the summer.

Did have a bit of a problem with interference though. My parents have a wireless receiver in their bedroom to pick up SKY from downstairs and my wireless router is in the room next to theirs which means that the two signals have to cross and this was causing interference on their TV. It is intermittent though so they are putting up with it luckily!!

Am loving my wireless mouse. It's taking me a bit of time to get used to having it though. I still forget at times and use the touchpad on my laptop.

My next little project is to get my phone hooked up to the phoneline. Lots of fiddling with phone cables and extension leads and lifting up carpets shall ensue!!

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