Hello again. April really seems to be dragging. It feels like it's been April for ages and it's only the 9th. Time always goes slow when you want it to go fast and vice versa.
Tomorrow, my mate Jackie arrives so there will be cider drinking at some point next week. We might go into town and hassle some men by quoting Monty Python at them and asking them if they like rats. The best way to get rid of unwanted male attention is to start talking to them about pet rats. The results are incredible, the man almost instantly disappears, it's like magic!! Unfortunately it took me a while to realise this topic of conversation actually frightens men away. After several failed attempts to pull blokes, it dawned on me that things were fine until I brought my rat into the conversation. It has to be said that I was always very drunk before I started talking about the rat, it's not something I mention when I first meet a bloke.
Anyway, I also realised that the sort of bloke who doesn't like pet rats isn't the sort of bloke I want anything to do with so I feel I had a lucky escape from those vanishing fools.
So now I use the rat topic to get rid of undesirable men. And sometimes when I'm out having a few drinks I get in the kind of mood to see how far I can go with men. By that I mean in terms of what I say to them and how much craziness I can inflict on them before they run away. I feel like I'm going to be in that mood this week. I'm sure Jackie will join me in my mission. We can be very crazy when we get together and have a few ciders hehe.