08 June 2005


Inspired by Zak and Shadrach Dingle in Emmerdale ( never thought this was possible), I am considering giving up alcohol for a month.

The whole thing is quite pointless if you think about it - drinking alcohol. There's just no need for it really.

The problem with giving it up for a while though, is not that I might find it difficult to resist the urge to drink it ( I don't think I would crave it at all ), but that it would be difficult socially.

Not only would it make me look odd if I go to the pub with people and don't drink alcohol, but it would mean that I wouldn't be able to have wine with a meal and things and I'd be the odd one out all the time.

There really is too much of a drinking culture in Britain. Even if you don't want to drink alcohol, you end up doing it otherwise you feel out of place and boring. It was impossible not to drink almost every night at uni without people considering me as a freak.

As I am about to go to New York for 2 weeks, I think it would be a good time to avoid alcohol for a month. The relatives I will be staying with do not drink alcohol which will make it easy to avoid it.

Well, I haven't made any final decision, but I am considering this course of action quite seriously.

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