02 June 2005

Isle of Man visit

Well, at last I have got round to posting about the Isle of Man.

We left Donaghadee in Northern Ireland at about 10am. We thought it would take about an hour and a half to get to the Isle of Man. However, it was more like 3 hours.

So we arrived in Peel at about half one and then had to get a bus to the other side of the Island to Douglas. This took twenty minutes, so we were there around two. However we had to get the bus back to Peel at half four so we didn't really have much time.

There was a big marquee along the promenade and lots of rocky blues music coming from it which sounded very good. However mum and granny aren't into that sort of thing, so we didn't go in.

There were lots of bikers wandering about as it was just before the TT. On the way to Douglas, lots of motorbikes sped past us.

As it was sunday, most of the shops were closed, so we walked about Douglas a bit and went to some of the shops that were open and then we walked along the promenade which is lovely. It was pretty much time to go back by then.

I would have liked to stay longer there. In fact, I'm planning to go over for a holiday later in the year.

There are lots of banks in Douglas. I saw HSBC, Barclay's, Royal Bank of Scotland, Bank of Scotland and Ulster Bank as well as the Isle of Man bank. They have their own notes and coins there which is very cool and they accept any kind of sterling.

I've been trying to post a link to a website about the Isle of Man, but blogger is being an arse and not accepting the HTML code, even when it is the code it gave me. It keeps telling me there is no
Here are some pictures anyway.

Peel Harbour

Peel Castle

Peel again (taken from boat)

Clock thing in Douglas showing time we arrived in Douglas

Municipal Building in Douglas

Cliffy thing in Douglas

Seafront at Douglas

Castle thing out at sea at Douglas

A view of Douglas

Buildings on Douglas Promenade

Horse Tram at Douglas

Sea Terminal at Douglas (that's the building with the pointy bit)

View along Douglas promenade

Manx Flag

That castle thing again. It was quite fascinating

Douglas Promenade again

More Douglas

Our arrival back at Donaghadee, Northern Ireland

A view of Donaghadee

More arrival in Donaghadee

And a close up

The dulse I ate in the car on the way home

And finally.........another view of the dulse


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