11 July 2005

Bonfire Night

It's the eleventh night, so time for bonfires here in Northern Ireland.

Traditionally, this involves alot of alcohol being consumed around bonfires and things can sometimes get out of hand, which is putting it mildly.

There is a massive bonfire just up the street from me, which means a huge crowd of drunken people or rather "youths" as they are often referred to on the news. Hopefully, there will be no trouble, but considering at least two cars nearby have had their windows smashed in the last few days, there probably will be.

The neighbourhood was really quiet today. Many people decide to go away over the Twelfth in case there is any trouble. However, as I pointed out to my mum today, they are leaving themselves vulnerable to burgulars who seem to be thriving at the moment. It was pretty obvious even to me today which houses were empty.

Anyway, this is all sounding very negative. Bonfires aren't always bad. When I was little, my dad used to take me round the bonfires with my friends and we had sparklers and sweeties and it was great fun.

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