05 July 2005


I went to see G4 on saturday night. They were brilliant as I knew they would be. I went with my mum, but we weren't sitting together as separate seats were all I was able to get hold of. We were closer to the stage and lower down then I expected we would be. Although it wasn't close enough for me!!! I wanted to be down in the front row!!

Voices With Soul were the support group. I don't like their kind of music, but they are really good singers. There were a couple of old women sat beside me and one of them kept leaning over and saying things to me throughout the whole thing, but I couldn't hear what she was saying because there was so much noise, so I just kept smiling and nodding. It's annoying when people keep speaking to you when you're watching something, especially strangers and especially when you can't hear what they are saying.

Anyway, afterwards we just went home because mum didn't want to hang around. Next time I'll make sure I get a ticket near the front and I'll bring my camera and I'll stay behind afterwards to get hugs from the boys!!

I am two days away from having gone a month without a drop of alcohol!! I have to say, I don't feel any different. I expected to feel a bit less lethargic and be able to get up easier in the mornings. (That sounds like I was an alcoholic before haha!!) I just found myself drinking a few glasses of wine nearly every night and once a week drinking a couple of bottles and I decided it was unhealthy and there was no need for it really. Friday is the official day when I can drink again having completed my task. (Now it sounds like I'm in Big Brother). Speaking of Big Brother, that Orlaith woman in it is on one of our new tourism posters at work. If anyone remembers a couple of years ago, there was a Scottish woman on Big Brother who no-one liked and who was evicted in the first week or so. She was about 30 and was really nasty to some bloke in the house. I think her name was Lynn. Anyway she was in some of my History of Art classes at uni.

We have a new Tourist Information desk now. It's very professional looking and has about a million intensely bright white lights and light boxes with posters in. People keep coming over with clever comments like "You'll be needing your sunglasses in here" and "You'll get a good tan sitting there" In fact, all the airport staff who come past say the same thing. It's starting to get annoying now.

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