11 July 2005

Northern Ireland

In keeping with the serious tone of my blog at the moment:

As I seem to have be having more international visitors, I thought I should point out that anyone who thinks terrorists in Northern Ireland are no longer active are sadly mistaken http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/northern_ireland/4670697.stm

This sort of thing still happens regularly. The general crime rate here for robberies, physical assault, racketeering etc. has risen as well while the nasty terrorists find other outlets for their violence and hatred. The huge Northern Bank robbery a while ago is is believed by the British and Irish governments to be the work of the IRA and Loyalist terror groups are constantly engaged in power struggles with each other resulting in violent and fatal consequences.

Yes, life is better for the ordinary people going about their own business and there is a moderate calm, but the terrrorists are still active and my fear is that once they get bored of petty crime, they'll go back to their old tricks.

I think the British and Irish governments are too quick to remove security measures that have been in place for years, even decades. Army bases and many rural police stations are being closed all over the country. We are leaving ourselves vulnerable. Perhaps that is what the terrrorists are waiting for.

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