11 October 2005

Time for a new post

Well it really is time I updated. Not that I've anything to say really. My courses are going fine. I did the first test for ECDL. It was on PowerPoint and I passed it so that's one thing out of the way. The Audio typing class is a bit boring. We just do a past paper each week which doesn't take that long. The class is allocated two hours, but it takes me about 30 mins to do a paper and then check it. It's the sort of thing I could miss a few classes of if I'd something better to do or just generally couldn't be arsed.

Hmm....what else. Driving lessons are suspended. I'll have to get a new instructor methinks. Dad might take me out and let me drive the car tomorrow for a while hehe. It's been a couple of weeks since I've been driving. Piano lessons were also suspended while my parents were away, but should resume again this week. I'll have to email my piano teacher and sort that out.

I can't really think of anything else. Hmmm....... Has anyone been watching Coronation Street? It's getting very good at the moment.

Apparently, bird-watchers and the like are being asked to look out for birds showing signs of having bird flu. I saw a pigeon flying past earlier carrying a handkerchief.

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