02 October 2005

Too Much Alcohol

Oh dear, I got very drunk last night after my mini dinner party which consisted of me, my friend and my rat, Henry. I made a pasta dish of my own creation and we had garlic bread and salad with it. I had candles and nice music and incense burning hehe. Without meaning to cause offence to my friend, there is someone very wonderful I would rather have had round for dinner. I'm sure he would really like my pasta dish.

I'm just finishing off the food that was left over from last night. I still have loads of dishes to do eek!! I think I went to bed at about 4 after talking random rubbish to Poppy for a few hours. I remember playing tin whistle very badly and drunkenly and I remember laughing a lot and going on about "Mrs Peggerty" whoever she is. Alcohol does strange things to the mind. I know I definitely had too much because I remember getting randomly upset and imagining all sorts of silly things.

I don't seem to have left much of a trail of destruction behind. In the old days I used to get very drunk and next morning find I'd posted alot of bizarre things on the Comedy Forum . I don't really seem to go there much these days. It's probably because I don't really watch TV anymore and have nothing to say about the things people talk about. Also, most of my forum buddies from the old days don't seem to post anymore either, apart from Poppy and Biscuits. I spend more time blogging these days and talking in "boxes" and I talk on the phone alot to a very special man hehe

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