01 December 2005

Day One

Hurrah!! I got to open the first window of my advent calendar today and consume a tiny snowman shaped piece of chocolate. And that same joy awaits me for the next 23 days!

Piano probably coming middle to end of next week as soon as this bloody carpet gets fitted.

I read the most amusing and ridiculous news story here I think it would make a very good comedy sketch. In fact, I think my mate Jax should draw some cartoons illustrating the horrors of cat sized rats. If anyone has any amusing ideas for headlines for this story, please add them in the comments. My brain isn't functioning fully at the moment.

Hmm....perhaps one day rats will take over from cats and then we'll have to go round changing words and things..........

  • Catalogue = Ratalogue
  • Catnip = Ratnip
  • Cat Burglar = Rat Burglar
  • Catastrophe = Ratastrophe
  • "cat got your tongue?" = "rat got your tongue?"
  • "let the cat out of the bag" = "let the rat out of the dustbin"
  • "raining cats and dogs" = "raining rats and more rats"
  • "no room to swing a cat in" = "no room to hurl a giant rat around in"
More suggestions welcome....................

I'll have to change my name to Ratpee as well.

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