11 September 2006

Help Required to Combat Bin Crime!!!

Some bugger or buggers in our block of flats keeps putting their rubbish in our bin!!!

This has previously led to our bin being full up and there not being any space to put our own rubbish in it. The foreign rubbish has contained things like plastic bottles which are supposed to go in the recycling bin belonging to each flat.

The reason the culprit or culprits have not used their recycling bin may be because it is full of general household waste. There has been a blue (recycling) bin with the other bins for definitely at least a month. It keeps getting put out the front on bin day but the council will not lift it and have put a sign on it saying that it should contain recycling waste only and that the household waste should be removed from it. Whoever put the rubbish in it hasn't bothered to remove it and its been there for weeks and weeks.

We put a sign on our bin saying it was only for rubbish belonging to flat 30 (there is a big 30 written on the bin!!) and that if they do not have their own bin, they should call the council who will provide them with one.

Since we put that note on our bin, we have had 2 bags of someone else's rubbish put in our bin. The audacity of it!!!

The problem is we don't know who is doing it. We were trying to think of ways of stopping them putting rubbish in our bin, but it's not possible to lock the bin and there is nowhere we could hide it. My dad suggested we booby trap it.

It would be nice if we could put something in it that would jump out and scare the crap out of them, or better still attack them!!

Anyway, I welcome all suggestions of ways to stop this infiltration and violation of Arthur (that's our bin).

Please help!!

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