09 September 2006

I've got a sore throat

Therefore I am eating chocolate because there is apparently something in chocolate that helps if you have a sore throat. I am going to get ice cream later if I ever bother to get out of bed and get dressed. I feel all horrible and my head hurts too.

Despite the fact that I now have Freeview, there is still bugger all on TV (until Jeeves and Wooster later this afternoon).

You may be under the impression that I am only posting on my blog in order to grumble and complain, that is not the case, well not entirely.

Anyway, my birthday went well. Got very very drunk. Had a good night with people from work and Jax. I only remember patches though.

Apparently, when we got back to the flat (although I have absolutely no memory of this)..........apparently I was walking around the flat with a square of Green and Black's chocolate on my eye saying it was my SAT NAV system and it was helping me locate the fridge to get the cider.

?!?!?!?!?!? I have no idea how or why I came up with that!

It's quite scary I don't remember though. Quite concerned about what else I might have done that I don't remember!!!!!

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