14 August 2005

A Walk

Today I went for a walk up the Cavehill with my dad. Unfortunately at the entrance was a group of white-tracksuit-wearing drunken teenage boys with what looked like a good few hours supply of alcohol. Well I wisely resisted the urge to ask them if they were taking part in the Daz Doorstep Challenge. They were swearing and shouting at people who walked past. Even without their loud obscenites, their very presence was intimidating. I had originally been going to go up for a walk on my own. I'm very glad dad was with me, I would have been quite frightened to walk past them on my own. With all the attacks that have been happening in Belfast recently, you just don't know what drunken brainless twats like that are capable of especially if you are a girl out on your own.

The most ridiculous, pathetic, infuriating thing is that as we were walking up the road to the entrance (which is a cul-de-sac) a police landrover had come down the road past us. So it was obvious that:
A) The police had seen these inferior beings and
B) Hadn't bothered to do anything about them. This is quite remarkable considering these youths were breaking several laws by drinking in a public place, causing a public nusiance, loitering with intent, Aggressive anti-social behaviour, damaging council property (Cavehill is owned by Belfast City Council) and dropping litter which is an offence (The place was strewn with empty cans and WKD bottles).

They were certainly worthy of an ASBO up the backside.

I don't know about other countries, but the police in Northern Ireland don't believe in upholding law and order, they believe in picking up the pieces after a serious crime is committed. They don't concern themselves until someone is acutally murdered or violently attacked. And even then they don't really try too hard to bring the perpetrators to justice. The police are in fact too scared to intervene to prevent crime from happening and it involves too much paperwork anyway.

I thought with the police force now having more representation from both communites (or is it "both sides of the community"? No-one seems sure!!) that things would change and they would actually DO something to protect people and keep order. But no, they are in fact worse than before!!! Unfortunately it seems to be institutionalised apathy. The police don't want people to hate them anymore so they don't do anything to upset people like stopping them being aggresive and intimidating people. I don't know why we have a police force really!!

Anyway, I was just utterly disgusted that those imbeciles were allowed to sit there like that by a public park where people go for a quiet walk especially families with young children. There were a lot of tourists there as well, I'm sure that gave them a great impression of Belfast!!!

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