03 February 2006

News from Belfast

Well, we have had no post all week because there is a postal dispute at the main sorting office in Belfast and now it seems to be getting worse and another sorting office has joined it so I won't be getting my new bank card or the confirmation of my theory test for a while. Its causing some hassle at work as well because on top of the many requests for 2006 brochures which we are already behind on, the postal strike is making things worse so many people aren't going to receive brochures for a while especially if they are overseas so people are phoning and emailing asking where their stuff is.

Other news, there was a bomb found in a car at a police station just down the road from me. The security alert lasted all day and residents were evacuated, army carried out a controlled explosion etc. I was surprised it was a real bomb. We have had alerts recently which turn out to be empty bags and things like that. So far there's been no mention of what sort of bomb it was and who is suspected to be behind it. There were a couple of other security alerts elsewhere in Northern Ireland today as well.

Something unpleasant in the news. Police are looking for the body of a baby in a landfill site on the shores of Belfast Lough, apparently after reports of a suspicious death. It's like something from TV detective drama things. It's all very creepy.

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