19 August 2005


I joined the RSPB a couple of months ago and only received my free joining gift about a week ago - a bird feeder. It was hard finding somewhere to put it because I wanted it somewhere I would be able to see the birds, but also somewhere the birds would feel safe. We put it eventually on one of the poles of the washing line by our kitchen window. At first, I was concerned that it was too close to the window and the birds would be afraid to come to it, but as these photos prove, the wee birds didn't mind too much. It's quite hard to get good photos because the zoom in the camera doesn't go very far and I didn't want to move too close to the window in case I frightened them off.

Anyway here are two visitors, the first we think is a Greenfinch although it doesn't look that green really. I'm not sure what else it could be. The second I'm pretty certain is a Coal Tit

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