22 August 2005


Had quite a good day today. Working in town which was good because it meant I could go to the pet shop and pop into HMV on my lunchbreak.

When I walked into HMV Lynyrd Skynyrd's "Call Me the Breeze" was playing very loudly which made me smile alot as it is not a song that I have ever heard anywhere other than in my own room and from my own stereo. or in Jackie's room and from her stereo. Jax and I used to dance to it when we were pissed at uni, especially in first year dancing along the corridors in halls. Those were great days.

Also, when I walked into HMV, the three cds I wanted were right beside each other, so that was nice. That made me smile as well.

I got some more bird seed for my bird feeder and a natural logs thing for Henry. They are very cool, you can bend them and stuff. I shall have to take a picture of them at some point. I also got him a ball thing which you put treats inside. The idea is that he is supposed to roll the ball about to get the treats to come out the little hole. He doesn't seem to know that he is supposed to do that though. I suppose he didn't get a chance to read the instructions on the box before I threw it out.

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