09 February 2006

Time to mimic a gene

Well not really, but I looked up Wikipedia to see what this "meme" word means seeing as these things are very popular on blogs and the word was bugging me. I thought it was pronounced "me me" but it's actually pronounced like "meem" and rhymes with "theme". The word was coined by Richard Dawkins in his 1976 book "The Selfish Gene" and comes from the words "mimic" and "gene". Basically he used the term to refer to things which replicate but not necessarily identically and they can also change and become modified as they replicate. Anyway, there is a huge page on Wikipedia about it here. It goes on to talk about genetics and Descartes and Karl Popper and memetics and other sorts of philosophy and science things. I just skim read over the rest of it because I had enough of that sort of stuff at University. Anyway, you know the etymology of the word "meme" now if you didn't before.

Right, that's the exposition over with, now time for the meme itself which Biscuits tagged me for:

Eight points of my perfect lover ( when I first read the title, I thought it meant "intimate" things!! But it doesn't so that's a relief. Not the sort of thing I would post on my blog about)

Anyway I'll get on with it now:

1) He must be nice and cuddly and give lots of hugs
2) He must like animals especially cats and rats
3) He must be about my height so I can gaze into his eyes easily
4)He must appreciate my frequent silliness and put up with me laughing at things which no-one else finds funny but which I find hilarious
5) He must be intelligent and know lots of things especially science type things so I can ask him lots of questions because I don't know anything about science type things and I like asking questions. He must be intelligent as well so he can intrigue me by telling me things I didn't know but not too intelligent that I can't tell him some things that he didn't know. Also he needs to be intelligent so that we can have intellectual (slightly) conversations which I like to do sometimes.
6) He must give me lots of love and attention and let me know how much he cares
7) He must like some things that I like esp. comedy things and music but also like lots of things I don't like so there is some variety.
8) He must be gentle and caring.

And the sex would be frequent.
And the other type of sex would be male, hence the word "he" in all my points.

I don't need this person made for me because I already have the perfect lover :)

8 people is not really manageable. I shall tag my mate Vix at Mad Bunny World, Snake at
Something for the Weekend, Graham at Gad 123 ( there you go, tagged at last) and finally Desk Monkey at Haggiswurst

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