27 February 2006

Here I am!!

Sorry about the delay. Normal service will now resume.

Driving news:

I passed my driving theory test last week, hurrah!!
My practical driving test has been booked for the start of April (not telling anyone the actual date)
I have been driving myself to work in my car (accompanied by dad of course) and getting more confident behind the wheel. I no longer panic when I stall, I just tut a lot and huff and puff at myself.

Work news:

Been applying for some jobs. Annoyingly lots of jobs require you to be able to drive. I often find that I have all of the essential and desirable criteria apart from a full driving licence.

Baby Ravin news:

The wee man will be coming over at the start of April. Can't wait to see him talking and walking especially hearing him call me "Auntie Emma"

Postal Strike News:

It finally ended after three weeks and the mail is starting to trickle through again. There was some talk of another strike taking place, an official one this time which will affect all of Northern Ireland.

Other stuff:

I went out for a day last thursday with the Conservation Volunteers. We went to Delamont Country Park and helped cut down and chop up tree/hedge things along the hedgerow which had got overgrown. This was to allow for regrowth and to keep the place clean and tidy. It was nice to do something manual and outdoors even though it was quite cold and wet. I'll probably go along again sometime. They go to different places and do different things all the time. You just go into town and the bus picks you up, takes you to their headquarters and then they sort you out with what you are doing and what tools you need and take you there. Apparently they were making willow domes earlier in the week.

I finally went to see the Belfast Giants!!! It was the last home game of the season and it was against the Cardiff Devils. We lost!! Oh well. It was an interesting experience. The ice rink was much smaller than I thought it would be and it's not as fast as it looks on TV. I didn't really understand what was going on. They kept stopping all the time and then loud music kept playing in short bursts and there were quite a few punch ups at which times "I Predict a Riot" was played which really amused me. There were lots of children going mad and screaming. I did quite enjoy it and will probably go to a game again. I watched a bit of ice hockey in the olympics so have more of an idea of what's going on now. I think there are play-offs or something coming up at the end of March so I'll probably go to one of them.

I'm contemplating dying my hair, perhaps browny red chestnut type colour. What do yous think?

Last episode of Life on Mars tonight!!!!

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