Well we had a huge cruise ship full of Americans in yesterday and they were so ignorant. They are so demanding, they want everything done last week.
"Can we pay in US dollars?"
Yes, of course we'll take any old monopoly money!!! Why do they expect to be able to pay in dollars!!!??
"Excuse me, ma'am!"
They kept interrupting while we were serving people "I just wanna ask a question" "I just wanna buy this"
Get in the fucking queue. Read the sign, you wait until someone is free to serve you and they'll call you to their desk. Don't you know what a queue is!!??? Do we need to bring in a sheep dog to sort you people out!!!??
Everytime I was serving one of them, I got interrupted by at least three in the process and the ones I was with got grumpy cause I was interupted while helping them and then the ones that did the interrupting got pissed off cause I didn't drop everything and serve them immediately.
I hate being called "ma'am" I think it sounds rude and insincere.
I had a Black Books moment when a man asked about the Rotary Club in Belfast and where he could find it. Well I had heard of it, but didn't really know what it was. Anyway I looked up the phone book for him and there was no office of it in Belfast just a number for the Great Britain and Ireland branch base in England. Well, he wasn't pleased and insisted that there was one in Belfast. I mentioned that I hadn't really heard of it and then suddenly, he became a gale force wind of indignation.
He gave me a very loud lecture (people actually turned to watch) on the Rotary Club, how many countries it is in, how many members it has, what it does, that he was the vice President of the New York branch, all the wonderful stuff that Rotarians had done for charity and helping raise money for research into diseases etc........
"That's great" I said. "But it's not in the phonebook."
Well, he just went on with his little show anyway. I could almost feel the wind of fury blowing in my face and had to physically step back from this torrent of anger.
And when he'd finished his little speech, he just turned and walked away.
I felt like Manny when the customer yells at him to leave him alone cause he's just browsing. It was in fact pretty much identical to that. For a moment I thought I was in a sitcom or a sketch show, it was so very surreal.
Anyway I suppose the sort of Americans that go on incredibly expensive cruises are the worst type of Americans. Nearly all of them were middle aged and I got the feeling it was the first time they had left America. Apparently three quarters of Americans don't even own passports. I can't imagine never leaving my own country no matter how vast it is. No wonder they were so ignorant and full of the stupidest questions.
There were some that were ok, it was obvious they had travelled before and were capable of adjusting to their surroundings, but there were many who were annoyed they couldn't pay in dollars, were loud and pushy and were very insulting about our money, asked us twenty things at once and while we were answering asked another twenty and worst of all , they would
NOT stand in a queue!!!